Thermal Foggers

5 products

    BRCNZ Foggers and Misters are designed for the treatment of large or small areas using either water or oil-based cleaning, sanitising or pest control solutions.

    Unique technology and specially designed nozzles allow for enhanced dispersion options to tackle any maintenance or control job, from manufacturing plant protection and animal health disinfection to controlling viral and bacterial loads and extinguishing vector carriers such as mosquitos, ticks, fleas, flies and lice pests. 

    BRC supply the best in fogging equipment, including large petrol-powered units, electric units and specialty hand-held units designed for all applications. Our Mini Lithium Battery foggers are ideal for fogging pesticides and disinfectants in locations with no access to electricity - ideal for patios, parks, silos, chicken coops, work sheds, greenhouses and more.

    Ask BRC for a fogger or mister recommendation to suit your application or browse our catalogue and features list here. Contact us for more advice on 07 2131317

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